Sunday, April 17, 2016


Well, this site looks confusing as hell! I decided to start up my own blog site for all this stuff I'm posting in the event that my youtube account is shut down due to copyright laws and whatnot etc. For those of you not familiar with all of this, well, my name is Scott G___, I'm an 18-year-old someone who's obsessed with music and playing around with it. My top three music groups would have to be the Beach Boys, the Beatles, and The Doors, I'm definitely more into older music than anything else! Specifically psychedelic music and whatnot, stuff that makes you think, you know? Brian Wilson is my idol and role model, he's shaped and influenced my life in a way I've never really imagined! He's inspired me to pursue a major in music production once I go off to college later this year, don't you think that's pretty cool? Here you'll find all of my alternate albums (Beach Boys, Beatles, Monkees, etc.), mp3 and FLAC downloads, individual songs, etc, etc, etc. I'm really looking forward to sharing all of my alternate Beatles albums and remixes, I hate how they've practically been banned from Youtube! My biggest inspiration for this all would have to be soniclovenoize, he's another blogger who posts his own alternate albums, you should definitely check him out while you're at it! So anyways, I hope you enjoy what you see here, and stay tuned for the great things to come!